Sunday, January 17, 2010

a good day...

Wintertime happens to almost all of us.
For part of each year we are forced indoors and into inactivity, subconsciously feeling the effects of our waning supplies of vitamin D.

Once every so often, those sadistic weather gods of wintertime take it upon themselves (for reasons known only to gods of weather) to give us a day of startlingly beautiful sunshine in the midst of all that cold, wet, dirty-sponge grey. On these rare and blissful occasions we get the heady feeling that we know (and I mean really know) what life is all about.
Today was such a day.

Behold the giddiness:
The usual suspects (canadian, german and spaniard) plus two extra germans to boot went for a stroll, soaking up enough fresh air and vitamin D to last us through February.

Made friends with these two jokers hanging out the window of their appartment in the Grand Place.

Watching ducks on the canal.

Tim Burton-esque. A real life moment that reminded me of Big Fish.

Queens of the playground ;)

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